Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 27 май 2014 11:31

На первые выходные октября 2014 планируется провести в Пскове сертификацию инструкторов FFF.
Дата проведения согласована с международным сертификационным комитетом, в настоящий момент идет согласование финансовой части мероприятия. Для получения ответа на вопрос о стоимости сдачи экзаменационного теста необходимо отправить в комитет заявку с количеством претендентов. От вас самих зависит стоимость экзамена.

На сегодняшний день заявку на инструкторский тест (CI FFF) подали: 6 человек. >> 2 претендента из Пскова, по 1-му претенденту из Твери, Москвы, Хабаровска, С-Пб, Киева
На сдачу экзамена мастер-инструктора (MCI FFF) подана одна заявка из Киева.
Заявка на сертификацию по двуручнику - на рассмотрении.

Также почти полностью согласован вопрос о том, что тест CI будет проходить на русском языке. Принимающие экзамен мастер-инструкторы - я и Алексей Теряев и Новосибирска.
Экзамен на мастер-инструктора будет сдаваться на английском языке. Если претенденту требуется переводчик, об этом следует самостоятельно позаботится заранее. Для приема мастерского экзамена прибудет один из мастер-инструкторов из членов руководящего совета FFF.

ПС. Во время Псковского нахлыстового фестиваля я проведу с претендентами на звание инструктора большое практическое занятие касательно подготовки к прохождения теста, а также, при наличие свободного времени на мероприятии постараюсь провести тренировочную (коллективную) сдачу экзамена.
По вопросам участия в мероприятии обращайтесь к организатору мероприятия: 8-960-22ноль-96-78 Максим Тетерин
Последний раз редактировалось Klestch 29 май 2014 15:04, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 27 май 2014 11:38

Добавлена 1 заявка на инструкторский тест из Хабаровска
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение flytyer » 27 май 2014 11:52

Прошу принять заявку на тест по двуручному удилищу.
CI Fly Fisher International
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Сообщения: 179
Зарегистрирован: 30 янв 2008 13:37
Откуда: Хабаровск

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 27 май 2014 13:49

Хорошая заявка, молодчина Серега! Напишу обязательно в оргкомитет. Для этого должны прислать еще двуручного инструктора, который может принимать экзамены. Может получится договорится, что хватит Терека или е му в помощь Серегу Бабина или Вадика Утробина предоставят для приема экзамена. Они ближе всех к Пскову живут и организационные затраты на приезд - минимальные. Еще есть Серега Демкин с Одессы, его тоже от FFF могут предложить.
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 27 май 2014 14:10

Добавлена одна заявка на инструктора из Санкт-Петербурга!
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 27 май 2014 20:56

flytyer писал(а):Прошу принять заявку на тест по двуручному удилищу.

Сереж, ты в одной дисциплине, или в одноручной тоже?
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение flytyer » 27 май 2014 21:09

В двух - постараюсь...
CI Fly Fisher International
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 179
Зарегистрирован: 30 янв 2008 13:37
Откуда: Хабаровск

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 29 май 2014 14:59

Еще одна заявка из Киева на CI
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 29 май 2014 15:05

Заявка по двуручнику - на рассмотрении. Просят, чтобы было минимум 2 сдающих
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 31 май 2014 13:34

Друзья и коллеги!
По правилам сдачи экзаменов IFFF предусмотрено, что принимающие инструкторы не имеют права в течении предстоящего перед экзаменом года предоставлять кандидатам, которых они будут тестировать, личные уроки и мастер-классы связанные со сдачей инструкторского экзамена.
Во избежание недоразумений очень прошу кандидатов этого года не обращаться ко мне и Алексею с просьбами о личных занятиях. Но мы как и прежде, готовы поделится своими знаниями на общественных мероприятиях и на форумах.
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 31 май 2014 13:40

Экзамен на звание "Certified Casting Insrucor" или CI IFFF состоит из двух частей:
1. Письменного экзамена (поставить галочки напротив правильных ответов)
2. Практический тест по кастингу.
Ниже, на-английском, приведена информация о практических кастинговых тестах, которые нужно сдавать. На русский сейчас переводим.

CI Performance Test - This version of test in effect ON JAN 1, 2012 Notes

The candidate must demonstrate the high standard of performance expected of a Certified
Casting Instructor, which would create confidence in students and other instructors. The
candidate must attempt all tasks. In order to pass a candidate must pass all of the explain
and demonstrate tasks (18-24) and fail no more than two of the first 17 tasks.

Candidates should accomplish most tasks quickly and easily on the first attempt,
accompanied by good demonstrations and, when requested, clear, concise
explanations. Demonstrations must match explanations. Candidates may be requested to
explain and demonstrate how they would teach any of the casts included in this
performance test. Examiners have the right to ask candidates to expand or give greater
detail on any task in order to confirm knowledge or skills.

Loops are expected to have reasonably parallel legs and be approximately 3 to 4 feet in
width unless otherwise requested within a task. Tailing loops are not acceptable at any
time except when requested within a task.
It is recommended that the roll casting tasks take place on water. Candidates are expected
to perform all roll casts with a technique suitable for casting on water, regardless of the
actual testing surface. When testing is not on water, examiners will make allowances for
such things as a leader not straightening or not reaching the required distance. If water is
unavailable a tool may be used to simulate water tension.
All tasks must be performed with the same rod and line. In the event of equipment failure,
replacement equipment must meet the test requirements. When there is a wind, the casting
direction will be at the discretion of the candidate. Lengths of line to be cast when specified
are measured from the caster to the fly. Marking the fly line to indicate specific distances
required in the accuracy tasks is prohibited. Hitting a target while executing a task is
required only when specifically requested in the task.
Fly Casting Instructor Performance Test:
Evaluation Form
Equipment: 9ft (2.74 m) rod maximum
Line: 7wt maximum
Leader: 7 ½ ft. (2.3 m) minimum with yarn fly

In all cases the candidate must demonstrate the good, relaxed form that would be expected
in an FFF Certified Instructor, and which would instill confidence in students. The tasks
should be accomplished quickly and easily. This is not a matter of requiring several
attempts to accomplish a task. Indicate successful completion with a check mark.

Recommended scoring: P = Pass / B = Borderline / F = Fail
· B (borderline) can be scored when a task performance is uncertain as a P (pass) or F
(fail). · Two B scores is the equivalent to one F (1B=1/2 F).
· To highlight a level of P (pass) performance for debriefing purpose, P+ or P- can be


Loops-Using Rod Hand Only

____ 1. Demonstrate a minimum of six false casts with controlled narrow loops on both the
forward and backcasts at 35-40’ (10.7 -12.2 meters).

Expectations: Narrow, parallel loops, consistent in size and shape, front and back, no larger
than approximately 3’ (.91 meters) in height. Slow to medium speed.

(____) tailing loops (____) loops too wide, more than 3’(0.91m) (____) loop legs out of parallel
(____) loop size inconsistent (____) casting too fast (____) other

Comments: ____________________________________________

____ 2. Casting 35-40 feet (10.7-12.2 meters), demonstrate very wide loops on the forward
cast on command.

Expectations: On command the forward loops should exceed the width of the back loops by
3’ (0.91m) or more. Forward and back loops should be in the same plane.

(____) tailing loops (____) wide loop too narrow (____) wide loop not cast on command (____)

Comments: ____________________________________________________________

____ 3. Demonstrate a tailing loop on a forward cast. After a series of false casts the
candidate will announce his/her intent to form a tailing loop which will be formed on the
next forward cast.

Expectations: The top leg of the loop clearly crosses the bottom leg and is easily seen. The
cast is done at a slow to medium speed as would be done in a good teaching demonstration.
The top leg must cross the bottom leg as a result of tip path as opposed to gravity. The
tailing loop shall not be cause by a deliberate upward movement of the rod tip on the
forward cast.

An examiner may ask a candidate to demonstrate a second manner of causing a tailing loop
if the tailing loop was caused in a manner inconsistent with common casting faults.
(_____) Did not tail when state (_____) Speed of cast was too fast (_____) Top leg of the loop
did not cross the bottom leg in and easily seen manner. (_____) other

Comments: ________________________________

Line Control

_____ 4. Demonstrate two reach mends to the left. The first reach mend will be made
without slipping line. The second reach mend will be made with slipping line. The
candidate may be asked to explain the uses of the casts with and without slipping/shooting

Expectations: The final rod position should be approximately 45 to 90 degrees to the
direction of the cast. The line should land in a straight line from the fly to the rod tip. The
fly should land in the direction of the cast.

(_____) Final position of line and leader not straight (relatively straight is the expectation)
(_____) Line and leader dragged into position at completion of the cast (_____) could not do
the reach mend both ways (_____) poor explanation (_____) other

Comments: ________________________________

______ 5. Demonstrate two reach mends to the right. The first reach mend will be made
without slipping line. The second reach mend will be made with slipping line. The
candidate may be asked to explain the uses of the casts with and without slipping/shooting

Expectations: The final rod position should be approximately 45 to 90 degrees to the
direction of the cast. The line should land in a straight line from the fly to the rod tip. The
fly should land in the direction of the cast.

(_____) Final position of line and leader not straight (relatively straight is the expectation)
(_____) Line and leader dragged into position at completion of the cast (_____) could not do
the reach mend both ways (_____) poor explanation (_____) other
Comments: ________________________________

____ 6. Casting to a distance of 35-40 feet (10.7-12.2 meters), make a series of casts
beginning at the vertical and progressing to the horizontal over a series of 6 to 8 casts.
Using rod hand only.

Expectations: Candidate should increase line speed from vertical to horizontal while
maintaining good loops of a consistent size with no ticking.

(_____) did not progress from vertical to horizontal (a 90 degree change) (_____) line speed
did not increase significantly as angle changed (_____) loop size not consistent (_____) ticked
(either ground or water) (_____) other

Comments: ________________________________

____ 7. Make two slack line presentations with the fly landing at approximately 25-30’ (7.6-
9.1 m). One presentation is to be made as a slack line cast with no aerial mend. The second
presentation is to be the result of an aerial mend(s).

Expectations: The slack would achieve a drag free drift and the fly and leader must land in
front of the fly line.

(___) did not create slack that would result in a drag free drift (____) did not create slack in
two different ways (____) fly did not land in front of the fly line and leader

Comments: ______________________________________________

____ 8. Demonstrate slow, medium and fast false casting at 35-40 feet (10.7-12.2 meters) on
command. Using rod hand only.
Expectations: The candidate must maintain consistency in loop size and shape as false
casting speed changes. There must be a noticeable difference in speed between slow,
medium and fast false casting.
(_____) inconsistent loop size(_____) not enough change in casting speed between slow,
medium and fast false casting (_____) other
Comments: ____________________________________

Roll Casts-Rod Hand Only
____ 9. Demonstrate a roll cast at 40’ (12.2 meters) with the leader straightening.

Expectations: The D loop (the backloop) should be established by slowly dragging the line
into position without the fly leaving the water (surface); D loop must be positioned behind
the caster, the anchor point should be even with or slightly ahead of the caster; the D loop
should be static before the forward cast; the roll cast loop should elliptical and unroll above
the water or surface.

(_____) did not reach the required distance (_____) leader did not straighten (relatively
straight is expectation) (_____) D loop and/or anchor not properly positioned (_____) roll
cast loop was not elliptical and/or failed to unroll above the water or surface (_____) rod
hand did not pause before forward cast (_____) other

Comments: __________________________________________
____ 10. Demonstrate a roll cast at 40’ (12.2 meters) over the opposite shoulder with the
leader straightening.

Expectations: The D loop (the backloop) should be established by slowly dragging the line
into position without the fly leaving the water (surface); D loop must be positioned behind
the caster, the anchor point should be even with or slightly ahead of the caster; the D loop
should be static before the forward cast; the roll cast loop should be elliptical and unroll
above the water or surface and the rod’s tip path must begin and finish over the opposite
side of the caster’s body.

(_____) did not reach the required distance (_____) leader did not straighten (relatively
straight is expectation) (_____) D loop and/or anchor not properly positioned (_____) roll
cast loop was not elliptical and/or failed to unroll above the water or surface (_____) rod
hand did not pause before forward cast (_____) on forward cast rod tip path did not remain
on opposite side of caster’s body (_____) other

Comments: ________________________________

____ 11. Explain and demonstrate wide and narrow loop roll casts at 40’ (12.2 meters)

Expectations: There should be a distinct difference in the sizes of the narrow and wide
loops which would be easily seen by a student. The narrow loop should be elliptical in
shape. Explanations should include the method of forming these loops including tip path
required to make each loop size.

(_____) did not reach the required distance (_____) leader did not straighten (relatively
straight is expectation) (_____) D loop and/or anchor not properly positioned (_____) roll
cast loop was not elliptical and/or failed to unroll above the water or surface (_____) rod
hand did not pause before forward cast (_____) narrow loop was not elliptical and/or failed
to unroll above the water or surface (_____) wide loop was not distinctly different in
size(_____) explanation was not adequate (_____) other

Comments: _______________________________________

____ 12. Demonstrate a roll cast pick-up at 35-40’ (10.7-12.2 meters). Explain when this
cast may be used.

Expectations: This cast should begin with the fly approximately 35-40’ from the candidate;
the roll cast should raise the fly from the water/ground; the fly should remain airborne (no
ticking) until the the competion of the delivery cast.

(_____) roll cast did not raise the fly from the water/ground (_____) fly did not remain
airborne (_____) explanation was deficient (_____) other

Comments: ________________________________

____ 13. Beginning with the fly in hand, present the fly to targets at 20, 30 and 45 feet (6.1,
9.1, 13.7 meters). The candidate shall begin this task with the line extended to 55 feet
(16.7m) and then strip in the line until only 4 to 5 feet of fly line is beyond the tip. The line
shall be adjusted during false casting between the targets. Once the desired amount of line
is established the line hand shall cease being used (rod hand only). If the candidate misses
the first target (at 20’) the candidate will strip in the line until 4 to 5 feet (1.2-1.5m) of fly
line is beyond the tip again and begin again with the fly in hand. If the candidate misses the
second (30’ 9.1m) or third (45’ 13.7m) target the candidate will strip in the line to the
previous target. A candidate is allowed three attempts per target. Allowances should be
made for adverse conditions.
Expectations: The fly shall land within a 30" (76 cm) ring or within 15" (46cm) of the
center of a target; loop trajectory should be adjusted as target distance increases; there
should be no ticking of the fly before the presentation; the backcasts should be
approximately 180 degrees from the target.
(___) Fly did not land in the target (___) did not adjust loop trajectory as distance increased
(___) fly ticked while false casting (___) backcasts not properly aligned (approximately 180
degrees from target) (___) tailing loops (___) open or non-loops (___) other
_____ 14. Same as above except over opposite shoulder.
(___) Fly did not land in the target (___) did not adjust loop trajectory as distance increased
(___) fly ticked while false casting (___) backcasts not properly aligned (approximately 180
degrees from target)
(___) tailing loops (___) open or non-loops (___) other
_____ 15. Rollcast to a target at 45-50' (13.7-15.2 meters) (Must land close within 3
rollcasts. This task must be performed with no hauling, candidate may shoot
line. (Candidate has the option of using rod hand only.)

Expectations: The D loop (the back loop) should be established by slowly dragging the line
into position without the fly leaving the water (surface); the D loop should be positioned
behind the candidate and be static before the forward cast; the fly and leader should be
ahead of the caster; the rollcast loop should be elliptical and unroll above the water
(_____) did not land close to target (_____) leader did not straighten (relatively straight is
(_____) D loop not properly positioned/ or leader or fly not positioned in front of caster
(_____) roll cast loop was not elliptical and/or failed to unroll above the water or surface
(_____) D loop not static before forward cast (_____) other

_____ 16. Demonstrate continuous double haul casting. Make 6-8 false casts at 45-50'
(13.7-15.2 meters).

___ Expectations: The hauls should be smooth and have an overall consistency in length and
timing. The hauls should not create slack. The loops should be well formed and not exceed
three feet in width. Forward and backcasts should be in the same plane.

(___) hauling was not smooth (___) hauling created slack (___) haul timing is inconsistent
(___) loops exceed three feet in width (___) forward and back cast trajectory are not on the
same plane (___) tailing loops

Comments: ________________________________________
____ 17. Demonstrate a distance cast to a minimum of 75' (22.9 meters).
Expectations: Hauls are smooth and have an overall consistency in length and timing. The
hauls do not create slack. False casting and shooting of the line are accomplished in a
relaxed manner without overpowering. Distance is achieved with the fly landing ahead of
the fly line.
(____) Tailing loop(s) (____) did not reach distance (____) distance achieved but cast was
overpowered (____) hauling ineffective (lacked smoothness, consistency or created
slack (____) fly did not land ahead of fly line (____) other

______18. Explain and demonstrate how to cast narrow to wide loops. Comments:
(communication effectiveness, straight path or rod tip, teaching fundamentals, cause of
changes in loop size analogies, student involvement, line, rod, body)

______19. Explain and demonstrate the cause and correction of tailing loops. Comments:
(communication effectiveness, cause, correction, teaching, fundamentals, loop size,
analogies, student involvement, line, rod, body, concave, path of rod tip, ways achieved)

______20. Explain rod-loading. Comments: (communication effectiveness, error recognition,
teaching fundamentals, analogies, student involvement, line weight, air/water resistance,
bending of rod)

______21. Explain and demonstrate the casting stroke as it relates to changes in distance. Comments: (communication effectiveness, movement analysis, changes in stroke, error
recognition, teaching fundamentals, loop size, casting angle, analogies, student
involvement, line, rod, body, stroke length to line length)

______22. Explain and demonstrate good timing when false casting. Comments:
(communication effectiveness, error recognition, teaching fundamentals, loop size,
analogies, student involvement, line, rod, body, long verses short stroke)

_______23. Explain and demonstrate casting into a head wind. Comments: (communication
effectiveness, analysis, error recognition, teaching fundamentals, loop size, line speed,
power, analogies, student involvement, line, rod, body, double haul, rod position other
casts, casting angle)

_______24. Explain and demonstrate casting with a crosswind blowing into the casting side.
Comments: (communication effectiveness, analysis, error recognition, teaching
fundamentals, loop size, analogies, student involvement, line, rod, body, other casts, casting
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 31 май 2014 14:13

Видео по всем дисциплинам теста http://www.fedflyfishers.org/Casting/St ... Video.aspx
Пароль для просмотра видео: blueGillfish2
Возможно потребуется регистрация на сайте IFFF, но тем, кто собирается сдавать экзамен это сделать так и так необходимо, для активации своего аккаунта и платежей за предстоящие экзамены и членство в IFFF
Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
Мой блог:Perfectly Unlimited
Магазин нахлыста "4Foreli"
Нахлыстовый магазин "На Мушку!"
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 588
Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение terek » 31 май 2014 16:21

Ссыль кривая...
Сообщения: 993
Зарегистрирован: 18 мар 2008 21:10
Откуда: Новосибирск

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение Klestch » 01 июн 2014 11:00

Настоящиму индейцу зафсегда визде ништяк!
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Зарегистрирован: 28 янв 2008 18:23
Откуда: Kolomna, MOW Reg.

Re: Сертификация FFF в Пскове, 4-5 октября 2014

Сообщение flytyer » 01 июн 2014 19:19

Что-то не получается зарегистрироваться - страница висит после нажатия регистрация, ничего не меняется.
CI Fly Fisher International
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Зарегистрирован: 30 янв 2008 13:37
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